Hearts of Fire by VOM [Voice Of The Martyrs] and Gracia Burnham                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

 I really enjoyed this book! I loved Adel and her story. This book was an inspiring read. How these women got tortured for Christ really spoke to me. Tara was also a great character. Her dad beat her all because she was caught with a Bible. These women had great faith and I admired them so much. There were a few words in it that were negative, but overall it was a good Christian read if you're a Christian girl. This book was also a great faith builder. It showed how  God would come through for you no matter what.                                                                                      

LINK HERE:https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Dtn6dj25&id=0134AB0332E20294BFEE78F14DC662E27EC204CF&thid=OIP.Dtn6dj25zyAW0VIK-7aZ8AHaLk&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fetools.ncol.com%2fa%2fhof%2fgraphics%2fbook_home.jpg&exph=203&expw=130&q=hearts+of+fire+book&simid=608002959879046274&selectedIndex=0&ipm=vs&ajaxhist=0

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  1. Hi, y'all!! I hope y'all enjoyed this blog post!! See y'all Thursday with a new blog post!!!


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